Financial Management Enterprise Resource Planning for HUD
For the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Orizon interfaced FHA’s existing transaction and business support systems to the new Joint Financial Management Improvement Program (JFMIP) compliant commercial-off-the-shelf system.
The new system, based on Oracle’s PeopleSoft Financial Management, functions as a subsidiary ledger that captures and reports on FHA’s financial transactions in a manner consistent with federal rules and regulations. The system provides the ability to perform daily and real-time funds control, automate the reconciliation of fund and cash balances, and conduct queries of detailed case-level financial data.
As the prime contractor for the Legacy Applications Interface component, we led the project activities required to interface FHA’s existing transaction and business support systems to the PeopleSoft General Ledger. This involved converting legacy systems accounting data to FedGAAP/USSGL compliant data, and developing new interfaces with current FHA legacy systems, external vendors, service bureaus, and other Government agencies.
We planned and supervised business process reengineering and fit/gap analyses activities and improved business processes by using the capabilities of the FHA Subsidiary Ledger to reduce manual efforts and to automate support for FHA’s funds control, general ledger, cash management, contract accounting, and asset disposition operations.