Certification and Accreditation
We ensure systems are compliant with OMB, NIST, DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP), and DIARMF regulations and standards. We bring a thorough understanding of Federal Assessment and Authorization (A&A) / Certification and Accreditation (C&A) processes for properly securing systems from initiation through Authority to Operate (ATO) to continuous monitoring. We work closely with our Government clients to define their security requirements, assist with completing required documentation, conduct system test and evaluation (ST&E) activities, and provide continuous monitoring support.
Succeeding within an Environment of Full Partnership with our Clients
Clients We Have Provided These Services To

Office of Naval Research
Orizon served as a prime contractor providing system engineering and software support to the Office of Naval Research (ONR) University Business Affairs Division for 5 years. The ONR, University Business Affairs performs post award administration services on contracts and grants with universities and non-profit organizations. Orizon was tasked with technical/development support for five critical DoD interfacing invoicing and contract payment systems. The systems support 1,400 personnel at ONR headquarters, five regional offices, and 420 colleges, universities, and research facilities.
As part of DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP) mandates, we conducted DISA Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGS) security vulnerability assessments on these systems to identify all vulnerabilities. This included performing complete database and application vulnerability scanning. Orizon remediated all security weaknesses found and completed the STIG documentation for submission to NETWARCOM. As a result, all systems were granted the ATO ahead of schedule.